Sign an open letter to bosses at Apple Fabrics


Sign an open letter to bosses at Apple Fabrics.

Every day thousands of young children are forced to work at Apple Fabrics. Long hours and poor pay are a daily occurrence.

Whilst Apple Fabrics recently announced some changes to pay and conditions, almost all children are forced in to unfair child labour practices. So send a message that we want genuine changes and for children to be treated fairly, and if they can’t be delivered, then bosses have to go.

You don’t have to be an Apple Fabrics customer to sign the letter. ANYONE who feels strongly about this issue can sign.

⇓ sign the letter below ⇓

Dear Sirs,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam vulputate purus eu feugiat tempor. Nulla purus quam, consequat nec magna id, aliquam luctus sem. Quisque ut elementum eros. Nam pharetra urna non viverra ullamcorper. Nullam vehicula ante velit, eget luctus purus malesuada eu. Sed semper non odio id dictum. Aenean sed nulla mattis risus malesuada consequat ac eu leo. Donec sed cursus nibh.

Vivamus at faucibus ipsum. Donec sed pellentesque nibh, vitae eleifend tellus. Etiam id ipsum et erat porta aliquam eget a neque. Pellentesque lacinia dictum lorem sit amet luctus. Maecenas consequat nec enim nec efficitur. Pellentesque magna mi, placerat pulvinar velit vitae, pretium eleifend orci. Maecenas semper turpis et nibh malesuada fermentum.

Etiam aliquet dolor et accumsan feugiat. Suspendisse vel tellus sem. Nunc ut tortor tempor, molestie augue a, posuere eros. Cras auctor, nunc eu suscipit efficitur, nibh magna accumsan neque, in egestas arcu libero id massa. Morbi commodo, nunc in scelerisque volutpat, ligula augue varius mauris, nec egestas lorem odio et odio. Aliquam pharetra tortor purus, at convallis metus pulvinar at. Nulla facilisi.


By providing your personal data you agree to it being used as outlined on our privacy page. Your first name and surname will be included on the letter we send to Apple Fabrics, but your email will not.